Monday, October 24, 2005

it's been awhile.

why bother with ethics. why bother with inhibitions.
if you like something, take it. if it belongs to someone else, take it.
steal it if you have to. because ultimately, it's your gain.
and this is perhaps the only thing you can steal and noone else can have any say about it.
why bother about feelings, why bother about anything when everything has no meaning?
you tell your friends to stop smoking, they don't listen.
you tell your friends to stop being hypocritical motherfuckers, they don't listen.
they pretend to try, but they don't.
why bother counselling stubborn people when you know they're just nodding their heads for you.
be a third party, two time, fuck around. who cares?
no matter how hard you try, it really doesn't matter does it.
you fucked up by falling in love with someone else in a relationship.
he's fucked up for falling for you.
but it's neither's fault.
both of you sincerely love each other.
he still loves his girlfriend.
all 3 are sincerely fucked up.
how many times have you hugged the person you're with, yet stared into space thinking longingly of someone in ages passed, in the present, as well as someone you are thinking of attaining?
this world has no meaning, it's really messed up.
think about it. you'd think i'm spouting rubbish. but if you took time and think about it carefully, how has it helped you last when you were being NICE.
how has it helped you to stay faithful?
how has it helped you to be hardworking?
how has it helped you to be well liked?
noone can understand yourself like you do.
noone wants to hear about your fucking problems.
everyone pretends they want to understand. deep down inside they go "thank god it didn't happen to me"
why bother at all?
why bother at all?
why bother at all?
we all fade away one day and nothing will be left behind. only fucking twits think they leave some legacy or some change behind.

fucking twits.

another journey without friends. my joy ride.

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