Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A Reply

"CYBERPARKERS, how many of you are attached? how many of you have been hurt by girls? 'nuff said."

sometimes the answer to a complicated question is to stop asking it. its in my opinion that relationships are a bit like money. let me explain.

sometimes some people get caught up in trying to make money that they forget to enjoy the money they have made. they forget that happiness is not how much you earn, but how contented you are. they forget their goals, dreams, aspirations. they get caught up in the worldly game of a rat-race, looking back, they see that the only thing they truly loved was money.

likewise, it is in my personal opinion that if a reasonable man were to always wonder when he might find the right gal, when he might feel uplifted by the presence of a genteel being, he forgets the friends that he once had, the joy that he shared and the laughter that made him who he was. he might seem nonchalent and sensitive as he waits and mulls, but is he contented? i do not imply that having a relationship is bad nor do i imply that not having one is good. Whether we were or were not in a relationship before, can we look back at the time spent and say.. yes, i have no regrets, yes, i did enjoy myself. and one of the moments i did enjoy was when i looked back at my A-levels and wonder y didnt i study harder in year 1? but boy did i have fun and that i have no regrets. mayb i wasnt smart enough to juggle play and work. and i am sure many people on this website can have a mischievous grin at time well spent in a school somewhere in the east.

this brings me back to my earlier point, is success measured byhow long a relationship lasts? or how much we enjoyed? i reckon that success is only achieved when on hindsight u look back and say there was no other way i could have done this better. and here i am, proud of wat i am. look at the face of a just-to-be Dad, or the feelings of a expectant mum. that i am sure, many people would agree, is the start of another chapter and the closure of a successful part of life.

there has been some very good advice given about relationships, but if only we could define the core term that it revolves around it. the term that drives and motivates, and the term that despairs and torments. that term is love. one interesting point raised is that can relationships really be placed on the same level as marriage? where it being the holy unity of man and woman of a lifelong committment, of trust, care, worries, tribulations and so much more. till death do we part. can that level of profoundness be compared to a relationship? one might argue that the seeds of marrigae might be a relationship. then the counter arguement would be that seeds and the resultant fertile crop are 2 very different things. if your seeds fail to grow, a reasonable man might just weep for the hours he has spent. but if his crop fails, he might be runied for the months spent toiling.

but thats beyond the scope of the discussion. what matters is that perhaps instead of wishing for the right winds to blow, for the right rains to come, cherish what we have and the moments that once passed might never come back. because love might make the future seem bright, contentment will make the present seem cheerful and success will make our past seem resplendent.

Good luck to Frens n Co. having exams!! best regards from the UK

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