Friday, December 09, 2005

lazy-assed and bored-out. let me sleep.

it's so incredibly hard to ask people out nowadays.

besides the fact that sometimes people are just plain lazy, even if you manage to drag them out of their house what will you do?

movie? i find that so cliché. not to mention a little boring with the wrong shows.

coffee sounds interesting. not so when you're done talking with nothing more to offer and all you're left with are polite smiles and cold drinks. or warm if you had ice blended stuff.

window shopping then! ultimate anguish. resisting the urge to spend yet pointlessly tiring yourself out. with the right person it could turn out to be a joy. but with the wrong one, it's just a marathon.

club the night away! right. but honestly, after awhile, the ummzi ummzi just gets all the same. without the eye candy, things get boring fast. get high? well, drinks aren't cheap. unless you're a cheap drunk. well, good for you then. or not. even then, what's the point?

tan out at the beach! awesome! really. just not every day. you risk not only skin cancer but also the high possibility of resembling lobster el flambé.

how about going on a holiday? yay! i want. you sponsor?

i say again: it's just tiring to ask people out. somehow spontaneous people just don't come around anymore. you have to plan and confirm and plan and confirm somemore before something actually happens. hey, you're going out, not planning the national budget.

there used to be people who go, hey, free today? let's hang out. brilliant! do what? dunno, but we'll just see as we go, k? just like that. simple. i wanna do that. a no brainer. just go out and have fun.

oh well, guess it seldom happens anymore, as we become people who live by events and not people who creates events.

perhaps you don't feel that way but this lazy-assed, bored-out ranter does. crazed by waking up to a day that has absolutely nothing lined up for him. if his schedule's not filled, he might just ask you out. till then, we'll keep in touch.


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