Thursday, January 26, 2006

bring it on, mother fucker

uneventful day(night) at zouk.

ian as per normal, promised me he'd be at Kem at 10, but nothing heard out. cabbed with greg.

drank chivas and vodka along riverside. rather fun to get high before going in. mark seow is a
pookie and said he got jamming prac. too cool la mat. paiseh late to meet you though.

had heart to heart for 3 hours with jimmy and steven, about how evil the world is, how devious girls are and why there's no meaning in life. well. kinda.

then it was 2am and i haven't entered zouk yet.

so i send smses to greg and ian - "where you?"

noone replies, so i scout the place twice. finally see greg dancing albeit off balance. no babe with him. see zo with babe. see terence with babe. where's ian? with babe. shaun no babe. so shaun dance with greg. greg abit gone. 15 tequilas makes greg gone. vaune comes. says she'll be back. but at the rate girls discard me, hell will freeze over before she comes back. greg starts spouting nonsense. apologizes to people around for greg's mumbling. something about somebody's mother.

dance dance dance. ian finally replies. where you. at 3.30am. thanks. zouk ended. nothing happened on my side. bored.

zo drove so we hopped on. stopped at the red light, saw these cute chicks checking out zo's car in their toyota. they see us checking them out. they wave. they wink. a challenge. red light. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. go.

zo steps on it.
we see the toyota in front.
zo steps harder.
we still see the toyota in front.
zo steps even harder (his zhng-ed car making alot of noise)
we see the toyota stopping at red light in front.

zo (winds down window): "you driving auto or manual? PLEASE DON'T TELL ME AUTO"
chicks: "it's manual man. are YOU driving auto?"
zo: "no it's manual. why so slow ah. the next red light!"
chicks: "bring it on, motherfucker"

red light. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. go.

zo steps on it.
we don't see the toyota.
zo steps harder.
we still don't see the toyota.
toyota horns and signals' left. chicks gone.

zo: "wah my car eat petrol. the needle went down"

we get off, flag a cab. send greg home. he gives me two dollars. mother pookie. send ian home. ian got 50. no change. gives me nothing. so as per norm shaun pay all. $13.65. pay up.

another uneventful yet pleasant chilling session. bring it on, motherfucker.

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