Sunday, March 26, 2006

1 of the 14 quirks of men

this is funny. can't say whether it's true or not though cos i'm not observant in that way.

Why does he get jealous about a boyfriend from seventh grade?
Bringing up an old flame, no matter how innocently, is a sure way to ignite the fires of jealousy in your guy's heart. Men, you may have noticed, can be incredibly competitive, and as Pat Love notes, "Talking about an old boyfriend makes him feel powerless. He's thinking, 'How can I compete with a memory?'" He can attempt to outwit - or, in the worst-case scenario, punch out - some guy he thinks is flirting with you at a bar, but there is nothing he can do about little Johnny Smith, who held hands with you on that field trip to the natural history museum. Man, we hate that guy.

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