Tuesday, June 08, 2004

free days

today and tomorrow shall be my free days left in the next few weeks. my new batch of recruits have arrived!! or rather shall arrive on the morning of the 10th. then i'll be confined to the confines of my dearest p. tekong island to accompany them in confinement. no more clubs, no more late nights with the boys (sometimes and girls) till 3 weeks later! don't worry guys, i'll still pop out every now and then to haunt you all for a modest few hours before dragging myself back onto the penguin boat. won't be seeing dear greg-o around either. he be roving in 5 SIR, all the way in bukit gombak.

btw, i'm tempted to buy the linkin park tix, if i can find someone to go with me. anyone interested? tag a msg at the side if you are. and i'll call ya if i know ya.

and...anyone knows if we need to reply to SMU after being accepted. apparently jh and me didn't. oops. like major screw up. i personally thought there wasn't a need to. as the saying goes: "you think, i thought, who confirm?" so now we'd like the "who" to confirm. thanksalot.

what a long post. my fingers are tired, time to make a few phone calls and get outta here. till the next time, i'm ian tan. out!

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