Friday, February 18, 2005

absolut incoherence

i feel another poem's coming soon. but 15 min on and no good links. good for you. you've been saved!

fact #1: NSFs are only dutiful to their work if their lives in camp are more exciting than their one outside. either that or they really like what they're doing.

hell, i'm returning to my heavy clubbing ways. why? been clubbing so often recently. argh. RnBs drawing me back. andrew chow's drawing me back. why. i can only question.

fact #2: Men would be in control if the correct head thinks. but then again, men wouldn't be men if the right head thinks all the time. so men can never be in control for too long. how sad.

i've been thinking of how to maintain my finances in SMU. it feels weird to always rely on parents. in fact i resent the idea of living off my parents, it's time i started to be financially independent. but then... work + study would leave me with a pathetic social life. play + study would leave my wallet in tatters. work + play would get me kicked out of SMU. oh well, you can never have everything can you?

fact #3: I really can't wait to ORD. the uniformed life is not my life.

poem coming......

just kidding.

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