Thursday, April 28, 2005

just for laughs

Imagine this.

Guy walks by a large pond and suddenly realises he has to pee.
Lo and behold! Theres a floating outhouse right there on the water next to the shore. 'I'm saved!' he thinks to himself. So he happily steps on to the floating platform and enters one of the cubicles, closing the door with a resounding bang. He tinkles gaily away and zips up his pants and, without washing his hands, opens the door and steps out. At which point a thought flashes through his head, going something like 'SMLJ!' but in more ang moh terms. 'What kind of penis shit is this?'. Something like that.
While he was busily indulging in man's second greatest pleasure (thats peeing you sick bastard) the floating platform has somwhow untethered itself and gone zipping off with the flow, ending up a good fifty metres from the shore. With the guy still on it.
It gets better. The guy starts desperately calling for help. 'Save me! Save me! Stop frikkin laughing you arse. And bollocks to you too!' At which point of time a concerned looking caretaker hurries up, takes one look at the situation, and hurls a lifesaver ring at him.
Guy takes off his jacket, lies down and sees if practising his breast stroke will get him anywhere.

Just for Laughs is frikkin funny man. Ok maybe I'm not. But just for laughs is.

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