Saturday, January 08, 2005


er. yeh i know serene was my fault. sorry ian. anyways the next day : " warcraft at roxy ? " OK! then everything settle already.

anyways i'm in camp now. whats new? finishing up some work on a saturday morning after 2 straight whole days from lck returning to camp at 2am and waking up so early again. clear leave after cny. please come quickly.

i had a weird dream in lck yesterday. i was so freaking tired cos i didn't sleep at all the past night i just put my head on the table in the training shed and zz.. i saw j in the dream. lotsa people around. i don't know why but i kept trying to talk to her but she just walked away, and i left in tears. weird. suddenly found myself at home and saw this box of spoilt strawberries in the fridge and my dad smiling over them. i asked him:" why did you leave the strawberries there to rot? " he said : " because i refuse to clean them up. you should do it for me." i don't know why but i got so furious and fought with him. sign ? don't know.

woke up breathing heavily and feeling more tired than before i slept. dreams so poignant and violent i'll never forget.

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