Saturday, May 07, 2005

memories are all i had to cling to.

when was it when the whiff of her scent soothed my mind,
sending my heart a-thumping every 5 seconds.
when was it when the feel of her hand was smooth to the touch.
a feeling that eluded me since 3 years ago just visited me again,
conjuring images in me.
the unforgettable smell of her, everlasting and consistent,
twirling my memories about.
invoking feelings of the inexplainable,
capturing the lost love;
the love lost.
its when you live your whole long lost life,
just to live for this moment.
This ONE moment.

i wished it never had to end!
that 11 didn't have to come.

no sad thoughts, just happy memories.
hopes of watching the aurora borealis in scandinavia.
and lots of others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What will they think of next? Here I was looking for backstage pass to concert and I end up reading about memories are all i had to cling to.. What a change I would never think about that. Wonderful to run into your site jianhong. Gave me a little break from my world. My world is in Las Vegas.