Sunday, May 08, 2005


hey guys.

its the time of your life where,
u've been looking forward for so long.

all play and no work,
with so much time on your hands.

doing what you like to do,
as and when u wanna do so.

so why is it we all cant see?
that youth is more than we make it out to be.

the gradual transitions,
from innocence to "wisdom",

can only be achieved,
by pursuing your dreams.

not forgetting, that the pursuit of your dreams,
is, more important than the accomplishment.

and beyond that,
where do we go?

a piece of paper,
exchanging your time for money.

imprisoned by social chains,
paying for your existence.

be wary the hidden dangers,
on the path u plan to tread.

and remember this, your pathetic existence will come and go.

whether u choose to seek fame or fortune,

or the best in your chosen field.

life is all about doing the best you can, then laying back and feeling good about it.

therefore my dear friends, i strongly urge you.

peasant or pauper u choose, do not be a pawn in this game.

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