Thursday, June 30, 2005

freedom of speech

or a lack of it. on the internet where everything spreads like wildfire, nothing cannot be said without a total stranger, or an aquaintaince knowing sooner or later. it's damn irritating that some people know so much about you or assume so much about you, just from your blog. just need to rant about something. and hence, we bloggers, sometimes in need of our own privacy or to protect people involved, are unable to express what we truly need to express. like now. i've so much to say. i've so much to release. but i can't. i want to tell you, you, you and you about things. and they're for their own respectives ears only. but yet, you can't say it to them somehow. cos it's just not right. and you want to say it here in terms and words that only they'd themselves understand, but fear that other intuitive beings might pick up what you leave behind. or worse, misinterpret and spread throughout as malicious rumours. bah. 3 am. can't sleep. can't rant. no one that i can release to. nothing's much worse really. oh and i've to wake at 7 am. i guess i'll just stay awake till then.

argh...i think i'm turning psychotic.

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