Tuesday, June 28, 2005

i hate you

There are five rivers that separate Hades from the world of the living, they are:

  1. Acheron - the river of woe;
  2. Cocytus - the river of lamentation;
  3. Phledgeton - the river of fire;
  4. Lethe - the river of forgetfulness;
  5. Styx - the river of hate.

The river of which many know its name, without knowing its origin or what it really stood for. A river that separates the world of the living from the world of the dead. Styx it is said winds around Hades (hell or the underworld are other names) nine times. Its name comes from the Greek word stugein which means hate, Styx, the river of hate.

that's why i'm so fucking grumpy all the time

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