Tuesday, February 07, 2006

and heres to you, mrs robinson

woke up pretty early this morning, and was going through my cd collections. fished out the blue frank sinatra double CD and started playing it again. just 3 years ago, this CD had been my companion, inspiration and friend all coupled into one.

someday, when i'm awfully low. when the world is cold,
i will feel the glow just thinking of you.
and the way you look tonight..
yes you're lovely, with your smile so warm.
and your cheeks so soft, there is nothing for me, but to love you.
and the way you look tonight..

the night b4 a major exercise, in my bunk in ocs, i would be playing frank sinatra to sleep. back from outfield, cleaning rifle in corrider, would be nat king cole in my discman. jazz evokes many memories! happy ones, sad ones. the deep, soulful voices of frank sinatra, dean martin and nat king cole just seems lost nowadays.

something in the way she moves,
attracts me like no other lover.
something in the way she woos me,
i dont wanna leave her now,
you know i'll be leaving..

haha maybe its because in army, lacking in freedom and the outside world. you really appreciate every source of comfort that you can have. the phone calls, the CDs, the photo albums, the books, the friendships and late night chats with buddies.

now, in uni, everything seems within grasp, we dont enjoy the pleasures we enjoy in the past. (ok well maybe except dota) it might be that we're too caught up with work, gym, ccas, girls.

just dont forget that things that accompanied you in the past.

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