Tuesday, February 14, 2006

i wish...

i wish life was like a final fantasy game. i wish life was as simple as a final fantasy game. a game in which i would be the coolest character that everyone wanted to be. with spiky long hair styled in an ultra cool way that seemed to defy gravity. i wish i was skilled in sword fighting, on a simple mission to save the world. i wish there was something concrete to fight for, something i knew deep down inside to be true irregardless of consequences. to save the world.

i wish life was as simple as a final fantasy game. i rode my cool onyx quad wheeled bike around desert plains and city ruins. i wish i had a childhood sweetheart i was promised to, to fight for her and fight beside her. i wish i went round riding chocobos carefreely, meeting farmers, princes and kings. i wish something evil was happening to the world, something that binded me to it, something that only i could rid the world of.

i wish that i would/could sacrifice my life to rid the world of this evil. i would do everything in my power, fight beside courageous comrades to vanquish this evil. fight besides loved ones to vanquish this evil. i wish this evil was so powerful to destroy those most beloved to me. i wish i would then become so emotionally angry my rage meter would jump through the roof and allow me to omnislash the motherfucking jenova and avenge aeris.

i wish i would then become sullen and emo. not talking at all through the rest of the game. i wish i had a complicated yet cool background of being cloned and messed around with. i wish i had something to discover about my being. i wish i gained experience by hacking the evil plants in my garden. i wish i could wear rocks that allowed me to cast spells. i wish that when i'm tired and spent i can use a "tent" to recharge my mana and hp.

i wish that life was as simple as a final fantasy game. i wish that all our souls return to the earth to keep it alive. i wish that i knew the earth was alive and it was its existence i was fighting for. i wish it'd help me in turn when i had to fight sephiroth. i wish that everything was one directional and i knew what to do all the time because there's a great big hand in the sky telling me what to do.

i wish that life was as simple as a final fantasy game. where true undiluted love exists. i wish that true undiluted friendships existed. i wish that in the end, i knew all i've done, all i've strived for has paid off, because the angels tell me that i've saved the world. i wish that in the end, i'd see a breathtaking CGI ending with credits in cute fonts.

then i'd be truly, utterly happy.

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