Tuesday, February 28, 2006

to miss

this is so true:
Missing someone does not equate to spending time with that person only when it seems like you have nothing else better to do.

When you miss someone, you MAKE time for the person. Not place her at the last of your list as some back up plan for when your friends are too busy, when you have no more energy to gym/cycle/go supper/whatever, or when you run out of books to read.
haven't you met people that claim that they miss you this much and that much but they only try to talk to you once or twice a month or perhaps they don't even try at all?

and when you do think about them and send them a msg or two only to be replied by silence?

well, if you're overseas this might be perfectly understandable but somehow it's more often than not that such people actually still live in singapore?

perhaps if you took steps to actually talk or meet up more then you won't 'miss' them so much eh?

makes you wonder if you've ever been somebody's back up plan. perhaps then you're not as important to them as you thought you are. i hope i never have to experience this but to imagine it is bad enough. the feeling of you making effort to spend time with them only to realise you're nothing but a filler in their schedule.

and people wonder why i never claim to miss anyone. when i do, i won't tell you. i'll show you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah me h-o-p