Saturday, January 06, 2007

Happy New Year TEG

This is a little overdue but it's important to me enough at least to post it. Take heed that this took a little over 6 hours to compose so it's going to be a very long one.

Five years on, I'm going to do a review of each of us and my New Year wishes to all of you. Please take what I have to say with a pinch of salt. I mean no harm and I only seek to say what I believe in. It is my personal views so question me in person if you are not happy with what I said. I apologize now to any bouts of anger you might experience while reading this entry. Also, I will refrain from talking about DotA because I'm honestly, a little sick of how pervasive DotA has become in our lives. A little less DotA won't kill us. So here goes, in alphabetical order so no one will complain.

Our dearest Cai Po. Honestly, I have nothing really good or bad to say about him. And that in itself is a testament to his character. He has been a good friend and on a whole, I would say that he is a genuinely nice person to be around with, except for the fact that he tends to shoot his mouth off rather quickly, much to the ire of some people around him (Shaun, myself, his parents, etc.). But he is quick to realize his mistakes and always apologizes promptly.

Generally, I enjoy chilling with him because he usually has a lot to say about a lot of things. With him around, there is always a healthy dose of conversation, which is something I enjoy. It is a point to note that we haven't clashed much during our friendship except the time he told some girl something I said outside Zouk that became misinterpreted. But I was really pissed that time. However, it's all in the past now and I sincerely feel that Cai on the whole, is a great friend to have. I treasure his friendship very much and wish him all the best in his relationship, sailing endeavors and life in general. It's the caizman, yo!

I didn't really get to know Greg until my posting to BMTC. Honestly had quite an awesome time there, mostly because of Greg. From swimming, to canteen breaks, to visiting him when I book out, to mambo escapes and sleeping on stone benches, to Valentines' Day out in SITEST, he helped to make camp life all that more tolerable and for that, I thank him.

Greg is probably most famous for his decisions to play the neutral party. It is understandable that it would be difficult to take stands among friends but it does get on their nerves sometimes.

I feel that Greg's most notable strength is that when he desires something very much, he's not afraid to commit to that cause. While that is good, it is also his weakness in that he has the propensity to "All-in" and when the result does not go according to plan, he has the tendency to "Chui" for a period of time.

I want to apologize for scolding him once in NJ. It was quite a big misunderstanding. Greg, if you want to know why, ask me.

All in all, I wish you the best in your current relationship. It's good to see that you've settle down.

If I had to sum Isaac up in one word, it would be sincerity. Isaac always tries to join us for whatever activity we have planned even if he doesn't really enjoy it. I appreciate that effort. Thank you.

But Isaac is very likely to say/do the wrong things at the wrong time, to hilarious effects. Don't take it to heart, Isaac, we mean no harm. I'm sure you know that.

I am very much for doing other activities other than DotA and clubbing. Perhaps some drinks at the pub, listening to live bands, or night-cycling for supper treat around Singapore would a nice alternative. You've been doing things that we like for quite sometime now, perhaps in 2007 it's time that we did something that you enjoy for a change.

Honestly, I feel that Isaac deserves more empathy than what TEG offers. Isaac's appeals kind of always falls on deaf ears (me, guilty as well) but maybe you should be more vocal about your concerns. Like the time at Sentosa for Cai's birthday. Stay and tell Cai off, he knows he's wrong. If you just walk off like that, nothing's going to change.

It was great having that small jamming session in your room that day. Perhaps one day, your dreams of forming a band may come true.


The Pro. JH and I go a long way back, since those days of waiting for bus 55 along Still Road and discussing whether 15 or 55 reaches VJ faster. JH has been around since the start of TEG. He also introduced jazz to TEG which I feel is an awesome contribution.

JH's strongest virtue is that, of all of us here in TEG, he probably has the best idea of what he wants out of life and he is not afraid to go for it. He knows what to do and where to get it and in that, I respect him. Sometimes, I secretly hope he would share some of his experiences and lobangs 'cause I want more exposure to this world. I'm not as pro as him at sourcing out such stuff. However, JH does have the mentality of a winner. He has a very strong competition streak that in its most extreme form alienates us a little. Which is a little, well, upsetting?

We definitely have had some great times together in the past but of late; he has become an enigma to me. Perhaps I don't really understand him anymore. But in spite of this, I know that JH is very clear with regards to his future and for that, I am happy for him. JH, whatever your endeavors maybe, you have my best wishes.

Our resident mat brother, Mark has never failed to be misrecognized as Malay. Mat Seow, Muhammark Bin Seow, we hope that he can eventually return to his Cheena roots that's why we call him Ma3 Xiao1 now. Mark really enjoys his Teh Peng to the extent that he also drinks Teh Peng in Zouk. Partying with him is always awesome although sometimes (read: most of the time) he disappears to the river. Quite typical of him, he likes to disappear to the river when we do something else as well.

Okkkkkkkkkkk...I will break my promise for once and talk about DotA here because Mark is ALL ABOUT DotA! He organizes most of our DotA trips (99.9999%) and really hates to lose. His black face will become blacker. He is usually quite sensible in his decisions (quite like real life) except that he refuses to tank AND you absolutely cannot criticize him in a game otherwise he will be pissed off. But if he wins, everything will be a-ok later.

Personally, I feel that he has currently got the best life of all of us in TEG and he has a brighter future up ahead for him. I'm looking forward to great things from you, Mark! All the best to you and Grace and I maintain my stand that you two are extremely compatible.

Peepeedog, it is hard for me, but I have to tell the truth. As much as I am not a physical person, Shaun is the ONLY TEG member that never fails to make me feel like punching him during an argument. He has these mood swings that tend towards the aggressive and I think he really likes to scold people. He is the most outspoken member against "Hoes over Bros" but he is also, by historical records, its most extensive practitioner. His pet phrase is "I don't care" but in honesty, I feel he does cares a lot, even if he doesn't show it. He has the most uncanny ability to piss me off (I have to state now that I have tamed significantly over the years and is as of today, a mild representation of my fiery past) because I feel he scolds me for no reason and doesn't do a good job of rationalizing why he is scolding me (To this he will say "I don't have to rationalize anything"). Shaun is driven very much by his emotions, as a result, he can potentially be your best friend, however, when he shuts you out, you can effectively F.O. from his current life. Regardless, Shaun and myself go a long way back to the days of brown shorts and long blue pants and I have always sought to treat him as a great, if not awesome, friend. He just makes the task impossibly daunting for me. And as much as our friendship has deteriorated over the years, I have always liked to see him as my best friend in TEG even if it is not reciprocated (To this, he would probably say: "I don't care").

I know I am doing him a great injustice here because his list of virtues would more than equal this bad list I have here. But words do him no justice anyway. You just have to know him better to experience the full extent of his enigmatic personality (or you can be a pretty girl).

For him, I wish him better luck in his endeavors, wherever they may lead him. Sometimes, you need a little luck to push you in the right way. And also better grades, not because he needs them, but because I think he deserves better.

What can I say about ZG that is good? Hmmmmmm...never mind, I'll just talk and maybe something good will pop up somewhere. No, but really ZG is a great guy. You just have to dig through all his bullshit to find it. My first impression of ZG is that he was frivolous and superficial but it took awhile to find that it was just a cover to the person within. He really likes to joke around and he doesn't mind being "the joke" as long as it doesn't go overboard. I admire his ability to be TEG's perennial whipping boy because not everyone can stand being "the joke" all the time. He has shown that he can "take it like a man".

It took this year's Xmas night to see his true colors. Hanging out with him and his friends, chilling at the Cannery with some drinks, I dared say that I had a great time chatting through the countdown. Why can't we see more of THAT side of ZG?

In spite of all the times we made fun of you, I'd like to say that I'll miss your presence when you go back to Durham. As the English say: Godspeed.

Most people who know me can probably draw up a list of the bad faster than they can sum up the good. I must admit that the way I represent myself can be less than satisfactory sometimes. I can be harsh, stubborn and though I do apologize for my misgivings, I seldom admit to be wrong because I always think I'm right. I am lazy and apathetic. I am powered by reason but driven by emotion. I am known to explode in spectacular fashion, burning everyone around me with my caustic tongue (I have mellowed tremendously but that doesn't mean I'm incapable of such a cataclysmic event). In the recent years, I have tried to be nicer to everyone around me but if you've not seen my better side then I'm sorry. Perhaps you were simply unlucky. Before my twenties, I certainly admit to being a notorious brat but give me credit in that I have matured significantly since then. I always tell you the truth you need to hear because friends shouldn't sugar-coat things for each other in such a situation. I AM ALWAYS LATE but trust me when I say that I'm trying, even meeting girls I'm late, I'm that bad so you can surely understand. Give me credit when I'm early, you know that was a humongous effort but don't make me wait; you know an eye for an eye doesn't work with friends (or anyone else for that matter). And you know I have improved. I am not one to ask for help but when I do, please help me because you know I really need it this time. I DON'T DRIVE, not because I am lazy or seek to take advantage of my friends but because I don't see a need to, yet. I don't ask for rides and I don't expect any but if you offer I will take it up. Sincerely, I thank you all in advance.

But I am not a fair-weathered friend. Whenever you need a listening ear, I will be there. When you are in trouble and want help, I won't leave. When you seek advice, I'll tell you straight to you face what you need to hear. Give me credit there, you know it's true.

Dear friends, my wish for this year is for you guys not to play emotions with me. I'm not very good at that, that's why I screw up with girls. Don't ask me to chill when I'm upset or angry because I don't know how to chill. I am a man of reason and reason always calms me down. Don't leave me alone either because it has the same effect as leaving a boiling kettle on a stove: everything overflows. I would like you guys to know that in life I seek neither personal glories nor individual victories, I seek friendship and appreciation. I seek to treasure the relationships I find in life because they are the ones that make one's mundane life pass with more meaning.

For the whole group, I wish we can play less DotA because even though it's fun and enjoyable and we really like hearing TRIPLE KILL and MMMMMONSTERKILL, it doesn't do anything to further forge our friendships and it's sick to face the computer screen for 6 hours a night. Any given day, I'd rather toss a Frisbee or chat over drinks or even have a barbeque. Even in DotA, please don't settle for IMBA teams. Our individual skills vary significantly amongst certain members and as much as you enjoy having 20-0 on your scoreboard, spare a thought for the little guy you've been mercilessly slaughtering on the other side who is 0-20. Nobody likes to be stomped, even if it's "just a game". We're friends, not random newbie strangers on the net.

With that, I conclude. Remember to take everything here with a pinch of salt, take it easy, I don't mean to bang anyone.

Happy 2007 TEG. May we grow in strength, together.

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