Monday, January 22, 2007

Random pics

heres some random pictures just to make this blog more colourful..

This was just yesterday. At the dinner after the cognitare business case challenge. It was a L'Oreal acquisition case. Pretty simple case, but we went kinda out of point. Thankfully we still made it to the finals.

Here is Felicia and Youyi. Also known as Flea and Josiah. The other 2 members in my team. Poh's missing cos he pangseh the dinner and go find lee...

This is Rachael Yamagata. I think shes really hot.

This was last year's christmas. I dont know why? but christmas always seems to pass so fast. faster than everything else. Maybe because christmas is the most enjoyable time of the year? and fun times always pass the fastest. - at the ugly/pretty/golden tree.

Finally. this is what i made for my new year's eve dinner with cell group. Potato Salad Italian style! A lot of effort and hard work went into this.. Anyways, parting note. About exchange matters next year, i really hope everyone will get to go to where they truly want to go. Italy, Spain, France whereever.. we can meet up in summer! or visit each other and can bunk in and save money.

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