Saturday, August 28, 2004

what a diffeerence a week makes

heys guys...sorry cai's been awol for abit...week's just too darn fucking busy with the course, and my weekend is preferably spent with ling cos she's not going to be in singapore for much longer, wont want a physically but mentally not there member would you??... anyway i figure there's a time for all sorts of friends, and the brotherhood (sounds GAY) ranks up there in our minds. arguments make us stronger, quarrels make us understand one another better, and guess thats why we keep coming back.
to lau and jh, was good seeing you in the midst of a phone conversation with greg,.... fulfilling weekend lah this one for sure...and till then, shall you dudes have a good week ahead. ciao~


Anonymous said...

What will they think of next? Here I was looking for how to get backstage pass and I end up reading about what a diffeerence a week makes. What a change I would never think about that. Wonderful to run into your site Cai. Gave me a little break from my world. My world is in Las Vegas.

Anonymous said...

I liked your information in what a diffeerence a week makes. Too bad it doesn't have more on buy backstage pass. I was looking for buy backstage pass in my area. Enjoyed reading what you have. I'll check back later when I get some spare time next week. Thanks Cai.

Anonymous said...

Next time I'll spend a little more time and read more. what a diffeerence a week makes was good. I wish you had information on backstage pass. That is what I was looking for. Anyway got to run thanks Cai for you slant.