Saturday, July 31, 2004

the missing one

hello.....i actually have access to this too anyway thanks getting busy all of a sudden...k better busy than brooding... btw im the dude humping the lion...shudve got payment for that right?. anyways....course starting on cai's gonna whacked out with shit to do..ian's stoning at home. greg's the guardcom..(im beginning to think greg got 7 for screwing something up) every damn week also guard...heh.. shaun's happy but poor.. jianhong's gonna spend the days revisiting heng chun. lau's mounting and dismounting like a whore... but alls good i guess....water's boiling and im upstairs..very safe

i dont know how this goes...

friend of frank, shaun,greg and ian.
School Of Military Intelligence
Recce Wing Instructor..
Saikang Warrior.
Kancheong Spider

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