Monday, July 04, 2005


my dearest TEG cyberparkers. it seems we have erupted into yet another session of "Piss Each Other ofF"(hereby known as PEOF) session. as all PEOF sessions go, it all starts with us doing/saying stupid things. thebis-ra and K being the recent examples. honestly, K, to be speaking from a guy's point of view is pretty...erm...pretty. gimme a break, i'm trying to be neutral here. and guys being guys, will ALWAYS look at pretty girls and want to acquaint themselves with pretty girls, and more if they could. in this case, a small incident is blown big by repeating the incidents many times. gets on people's nerves when there's just too much. you know what i mean? guys being guys, should learn to let go. smth happens, we look at it, discuss, make jokes, laugh and move on. K saga over. those who still wish to get involved with K please carry on. me, i honestly am happy just to be an acquaintance. i would hereby officially state that i'm done with the PEOF:K session. all references back to that session shall be countered with a resounding 'OEI!'.

off K, back to main topic. friends in general, will always say dumb things and do dumb things to constantly PEOF. there are usually TWO ways that a PEOF session will end in TEG:

1. we have a bloody brilliant game of dota, where we get stupid heroes and still win magnificently. everybody's happy, smile, have supper and all would be behind us.

2. we post our thoughts online and let the collective mumble-jumble settle in our minds. people cool down, think through and decide, hey, we're friends and we're more than this.

my point being, PEOFs will always somehow eventually settle themselves. thanks for everyone's concern but our friendships are always above our dumb squabbles. it's always the same scenarios. someone's jokes goes too far, someone snaps at him to control himself and we PEOF again. then, the next day we go for 4 hours of dota and everything's settle. Good Game. but today, i shall take the path less travelled, talk about this online and settle this before dota so our teamwork shall remain impeccable. just kidding. our lives does not revolve around dota. cai has his(father's) airboat, greg has his girls(mr. man), jh has his business, shaun has WoW... and scamper. i have my Raging Pig 2.

ok final line: guys, we know what happened, we've talked about it, we've made the dumb jokes, we've laughed. time to move on?

p.s.: my apologies to K if you read this post. i know i said your name alot of times but we mean no harm. pls don't look at us with weird eyes if we see you on the streets.

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