Monday, July 11, 2005

Oh at last blogger presents 765 posts instead of the usual 312 or 316 posts. anyone noticed?

Anyways i had a good long sleep last night. A long sleep with dreams of friends and fun. Maybe it was because i was so tired yesterday, had a really long day..

left home at 8am for church and Dr Don Richardson was the speaker, telling us about how he and his wife and young son integrated and lived with the indigenous people of new guinea. How the native people were cannibals and lived on treetops and how he spread the word of God to them. Devotion of the greatest kind, learnt their language, totally isolated from the world. (And shaun, theres no T3 connection, and no deer to hunt hurhur. sorry inside joke) Amazing stories from an evangelist.

11.30 went for lunch with the cell at thomson plaza and realised i didn't bring my coporate bankcard out, called my sis urgently at 1.30pm in town and met her to take it. rushed down to ikea afterwards at 2.30pm and it started to pour like crazy! i was stuck at the busstop for so long because i didn't want to wet my birkenstocks. er sounds gay but yet they take super long to dry once you get some water on them. i fell asleep at the bus stop......The rain subsided a bit and time was against me, so i decided to make a dash for ikea. did up my friends card and redeemed a free drink ! ahha i'm damn cheapskate la. sat down at the cafe alone and read through details of the contract i'm gonna sign with my investor later. Theres so many things i wanna buy at ikea !

leather table top - 75 (leather with white trimmings.) haha
leather mouse pad -10
leather pen holder -25
wine rack -40
ludde sheeprug -79
Jay Chou CD -20 i've been putting off this purchase for so long..
poster frame x2 -150
lounge chairrr -500? havent found a good one..

oh. can't really buy these as i'm broke now.. so i'll put them off. maybe for a year..

after my free drink at ikea (heh), rushedddd down to suntec to meet my investor in the business. she was late so i hung around hmv listening to olivia, if i'm not wrong, shes a singaporean teenager creating a storm in japan. Sounds of bossa nova, clear and refreshing voice, future lisa ono!

met up with eric because he was alone too, waiting for you an and we walked around looking for glasses... at last my investor came and we went through the contract briefly and signed the contract. done, and its 510pm! late for the OG gathering at the suntec info counter... shit. rushed there and i see a whole mess of people all over. looking dazed, tried to ask wheres grp 17.. my group seriously doesn't look very fun. like er... but maybe i shouldn't compare to TEG. at least you an and desmond wee are in my group, can talk cock a bit. had dinner at kenny rogers and played some dumb POLAR BEAR AND GURU game at the underground bunker of esplanade. superrr lame game. i got killed at the second round, because i was smiling. and they thought i was the polar bear. i don't want to elaborate. its dumb.

after the games 8 plus.. the guys were allll busy. shaun busy getting CHAUFFERED around in a BM 5. greg go for some bday party.. ian haven't end yet. so i called ian, "wanna dota ?" "huh then only you me cai, no point la" so i went to the mrt station. sat there for 30mins thinking of what i should do. go home.

I'm so ronery. So ronery.
Soronery and sadry arone.
Dere's no one,
just me onry,
sitting on my rittle throne.

I wook rearry hard and make upg reat plans.
But nobody listens, no one understands...
Seems that no one takes me

And so... I'm rone-ry... A rittle rone-ry...
Poor rittle me.
Dere's nobody I can rerate to.

Feel rike a bird in a cage. It's kind of sirry...
But not rearry...
Because it's firring my body with rage!

I 'm the smartest most clever,most physically fit but nobody
seems to rearize it.
When I change the world maybe
they'll notice meeeeeeeeee---until then I'll just be lonely...
poor little me...I'm so rone-ryyyyyy.

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