Sunday, July 03, 2005

his AIRness

eh guys. jangan tension okay?. me and my malay homies here getting along just fine.
its amazing how its just one day of extreme fun here and im wondering how u guys are doing. whether its a own time own target day or a groupie day. ha.

well here's what i did today.
i was my dad's cameraman cum copilot on the flying boat.
dont think there'd be too many photos cos i was more like a VIDEOman.
its was really wicked flying up at 1000 feet like a plane.
then skimming the surface of the sea at the same speed.
i videoed more than an hours worth. so my right hand even more sore than dancing at zouk heh.
whoever i was dancing with u guys jangan concern also okay?.=]

heh truth is i was so afraid i'd be late that i didnt sleep at all. so i was pretty much shacked out e whole day. slept ALOT after the flying. woke up just to help make dinner which consisted of THE MOST FABULOUS MEAL possible. crabs fish fresh from the kelong down the river from where i am. pink champagne which was oolala...oolafuckingla. (pinkchampagneonice the lyric came to mind) so now got 28.8kbps doing my part to blog here. back tmr afternoon to rush top NUS for medical and trransfer application. then maybe see you guys at night. nationals for the rest of the week, so no afternoons for me. a very tanned cai awaits.

making a conscious attempt to be a nicer person to all u dudes man.
sorry if i caused some unneccesary trouble amongst us.
not that its very hard lah.
but i sorta WANT to be nicer if u get what i mean.
not nitpick on our nonsense so much.

GREG, miss this time nvm.
still got another time when u keen.=]

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