Wednesday, July 20, 2005

last one

ok final one before i go poof. just had my filling lil breakfast. recharged the brain. warmed my body. so it's time to hibernate but not before a final word.

relationships. such a touchy topic. so many people have tried to define it but to no avail. i'm here not to define it myself, but to allow YOU to define it for yourself. cos in the end, it doesn't matter what relationships mean. what matters is what you want out of a relationship. for me it's rather simple, you can want a relationship for 3 reasons**:

(1) you seek companionship. you're into the relationship cos you like the idea of someone always being there for you. a companion so to speak. someone you can rely on. you thrive on their stability.

(2) you seek love. you're into the relationship cos you live on the fact that someone loves you. their attentiveness to you thrills you and makes you want more of them. you thrive on their love.

(3) you seek to love. you just wanna give and give. you wanna make people happy. it brightens your day just to see them smile. you thrive on making others happy.

relationships are a combination of all 3. it's just which one you lean more towards. personally, i think i'm more of a (3) person. leaning heavier onto that side. i'm glad just to see others glad. i'd smile if you smiled. regardless of the situation. so which one are you? why are you in a relationship?

**there is another category: you seek material/physical gain. but i shall not touch on that. i'm not knowledgeable enough in that aspect as yet. maybe when i become a millionaire or i get acquainted with a sugar mommy then i'll come back and blog about it.

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