Tuesday, July 19, 2005


you want me to blog?

i got nothing to say really. just very very bored. should i ramble? i shall rant then.

recently, i've just been camping at home. sleep@3, wake up@11, sleep again till 2-3, lunch@4, dinner@7, supper@11, sleep@3. rinse, repeat. occasionally hang out east side. parkway area, etc. what i feel like doing: go mambo, chill out in town, watch movie, etc. but then again, too lazy to ask pple to go out, whole day just sit at home, wait for pple to jolt me out of my rotting state and invite me to go out. i can feel all the moss growing all over me already. speaking of which, don't really feel like going out also cos, skin's all peeling like a banana. started out with the back. that's fine, still can cover up with my shirts and all, then it spread to my arms! wah, look like freak, dried skin on the arms, white and all. like snake molting. sick la. looks like i've got 2 snakes growing out of my shoulders. tsk. then i've got this swollen eye. my left eye. swelling since friday. so like saturday i went out it was kinda swollen, so trying to hide it behind my specs but still everyone gave me the weird look. just imagine a guy with swollen left eye, peeling like a banana and having 2 snakes for arms. whicked sick. yeah that's how i look now. i think i shall just hide at home la. away from everyone's peering eyes. :( more over, i'm a poor broke boy. go out gotta rely on people to feed me. if i go out with girls then the girls have to feed me. if go out with boys..er...they can pay then i'll feed myself(it's ok guys. really.) sad life laaa.

okok, i shall spare you all my nonsense then. shan't ramble. cos my brain is empty. when i got more stuffings in my mind then i shall come back to ramble again.

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